Blood Orange Hefeweizen
The Griffin
Bavarian-style Hefeweizen brewed with Blood Orange zest. Medium-bodied yet full-flavored with a crisp, citrusy finish that pairs perfectly with picnic tables and outdoor music.
Hops – Magnum and Hersbrucker / Malts – Pilsner, Vienna, white wheat
ABV 5.1% | IBU 22 | SRM 3.3
Once upon another time, many years later, the king had a problem. Four actually: a broken-hearted teenage daughter. A grumpy and chubby adolescent son. A sad and frustrated wife. And a tree that wouldn’t die…
Recalling his childhood, where determination and honesty, and an encounter with a Griffin, had returned health, happiness, and wealth for himself and others, and most importantly, had secured the hand of his beautiful wife, the King once again set out in search of the mythical bird.
Benefiting from his benevolent legacy, everywhere he passed the king received warm welcomes, transportation assistance, and comfortable accommodations. Smiles, hot meals, warm beds, and helping hands were constant reminders that kindness and selflessness can deliver valuable personal gain. Not surprisingly, the trip was made in record time.
Upon reaching his destination, the king encountered the Griffin’s wife. When asked why he returned the king pulled out two bottles of homemade crabapple beer, and shared his troubles. Upon completion of the royal family drama, the Griffin’s wife provided a blunt synopsis.
“Yikes. So your daughter’s a hormonal, hot mess who needs a friend. Your son is a portly and lethargic spoiled brat. Your wife is depressed and expects you to fix everything.” She continued, “Oh and you’ve got a stubborn tree that won’t die, your wife won’t let you cut it down, and you’re forced to make beer with its fruit. Have I heard you correctly?”
Before the king could reply she dumped out beer with ferocity and added, “By the way this beer tastes like shit.” At which point she went inside and returned with two pints of a glistening, golden beverage adorned with a fruit wedge that smelled like heaven.
With the fervor of a parched traveler, the king downed the beer and humbly replied, “Yep. My son is obnoxious. My daughter is crazy. And if my wife doesn’t kill me, my beer surely will.”
With that the Griffin’s wife went back in the house and returned with a rucksack containing three items. As she turned to go back in the house she shared, “My husband is getting old. He’s losing his feathers and his vision is as ugly as his balding tail. Besides, I’ve always been the brains behind this duo. So listen up. Take these, water and feed the first two as needed, read the third carefully, and all will be well.”
The wise woman’s words came to fruition in no time. The first gift, a puppy, brought tears of loving joy to the eyes of the King’s daughter. Extensive training, walks, and play, transformed his son into a more mature and svelte young man. The king’s wife’s smile returned, and she didn’t even mind removing the old crab apple tree after the puppy treated it like a fire hydrant, killing its roots. Naturally, the second gift, a sapling of a blood orange tree, was a fitting replacement, that with protection from the puppy, and time, would grow into a gorgeous bearer of far better fruit.
The third gift was a scroll of parchment, on which the Griffin’s wife had shared her recipe for the incredible blood orange hefeweizen the two had shared, along with a short note that read. “Your Royal Highness, I trust the puppy will alleviate your problems. And with proper time and care, I hope the tree will provide delicious fruit, and this recipe will help guide you and prevent you from making such god-awful beer.”